We had a wonderful time during the year looking for good things to put in them, and of course making things,
and packing them.
The whole process is such a delight and a blessing and it is so good to know that these boxes will be a delight and a blessing to children who are in need.
I must admit I can't wait for the January sales when the whole process will start over.
It is great to give and it is wonderful to receive, this Christmas I hope and pray that whoever reads this will have a wonderful, blessed Christmas and that you will know the true gift of Christmas and the giver.
God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to earth and we celebrate His birth, without which we would not have newness of life. If He had not been born, He would not have died for our sins and been raised from the dead that we might have eternal life but He did and if we believe in Him we shall be saved.
I pray you will experience the true gift of Christmas this year, may God bless you.
Happy Christmas to you all and a peaceful New Year