I had a wonderful time with my grandsons on Monday 31st December 2012, I
had been away for Christmas so it was lovely to spend some time with them. The
oldest, Noah who is three directed me straight to his bedroom so that he could
show me some things Santa had brought. Now there's a hero if ever there was
one, hail, snow, wind, rain he's out there on his sledge zipping through the
night delivering all the presents! But Noah wanted to show me his hero, Buzz
Lightyear not forgetting Woody who between them saved us from the shark that
had lots of sharp teeth. There were lots of arghs, umphs, duffs and not
forgetting "to Infiminy (infinity) and beyond!" after we had duffed
up the shark we made the bedroom safe, including, mum, dad and little brother,
not forgetting the residents in the street and of course the whole town, in
fact I can safely say between us and our hero's we saved the universe from
infiminy (infinity) and beyond!
So, there you are it is now safe for you to walk out being assured you
will not be attacked by a blueish grey plastic shark with two rows of white
Heroes are great aren't they, they always win the day and every child
who has one longs to be just like them no matter what they do, whether they
fight battles or play football.
In real life, there have been many people who we consider heroes, they
are inspiring and we long sometimes to be able to accomplish what they have or
something similar. When we consider our past there have been many people who
have challenged us, encouraged us to become what we are today.
If I'm honest the one person I would love to be like would be my mother,
she was such a gracious, loving, caring lady who loved the Lord Jesus. This
lady faithfully prayed for my spiritual welfare and one day her prayers were
answered when I came to realisation that I was a sinner in need of a Saviour.
Not a hero but someone who could save me from my sin and from the
punishment for my sin. That is what Jesus Christ did for me and for all mankind
on the cross at Calvary, what we must do is repent and believe and having done
so a wonderful change takes place, now there is truly someone who is worth our
being like!
3 John 1:11 Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is
good. He who does good is of God, but he who does evil has not seen God.
When we love the Lord Jesus we want to serve Him and be like Him, He is
the only person who is worth imitating.
To be like Jesus!
This hope possesses me,
In every thought and deed,
This is my aim, my creed;
To be like Jesus!
This hope possesses me,
His Spirit helping me, Like Him I'll be.
is my prayer; I hope it is yours too.