Saturday, 30 August 2014

Don't be a Potato

I heard a very interesting talk on ancestors at the Salvation Army, we were asked if there were any in our families who had been instrumental in our coming to know the Saviour. I have to say that my mother and father, I believe prayed for my soul and salvation every day until I came to the Lord, there are times when we have no idea what someone is bringing before the throne of mercy on our behalf.

Both my parents had gone to church from being young, as had I. My mum had a life changing experience when she was fifty, as she was walking home she heard a voice say to her, "There is sin in your life and you can have no part of Me", she realised that it was the Lord Jesus, and that all her years of church going, good works, playing the organ at the church services, leading the choir etc. were of no use to her, she had tried to walk a Christian life on the back of her parents salvation. I found and interesting quote in an old book called A Daily Message from Many Minds:
"Never mind who your grandfather was, who are you?
The man who has nothing to boast about
but his good ancestors is a like a potato,
all that is good of him is underground."

Whilst it is a wonderful privilege to have family members who are in the Lord, and who have taught us many spiritual truths, we are not saved just because we are related to them. We all have to come to that place of repentance and trust only in the finished work of the cross. Jesus died on the cross for the world, He will save anyone and everyone who is willing to listen and accept this free gift of salvation.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Believing in Jesus, means that we repent of our sin, we realise our need because we cannot be righteous by our own works, or by going to church, or by praying, or by reading the Bible, all these things are good but they are not good enough for us to have a relationship with God, or to get us to heaven. The only way is by repenting of sin and asking God to forgive you through His son, Jesus, who took the punishment for your sin and mine on the cross, then all these other things will happen because there will be a desire in your heart to want to know God more, to talk to Him on a daily basis, and to serve Him and please Him by living your life through His Son Jesus.

All who are in Christ Jesus, are blood related, because Jesus shed His precious blood for each and every one who would believe in Him. There are no ancestors in God’s family, we are all God’s children, and we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. Isn't that wonderful.

We can learn a lot from people who have gone before us, their testimonies of God’s grace are inspiring and should encourage us but they can’t save us,  

only Jesus can do that because He is alive.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

We'll keep a Welcome in the Hillside

I stayed at my friend Linda's on the Monday evening and the following morning we were up bright and early ready for our day trip to Llandudno. We arrived in plenty of time and as usual sat on the back seat, everyone bar one had arrived on time and so we were late setting off but arrived safe and sound at 12.30. Having never been before I was quite overwhelmed by the view; it was beautiful.

First things first we went on a hunt for a hotel that was owned by Linda's sister's widower, Linda had not seen any of the family for twenty years since the funeral of her sister. Her niece with her two boys came and they had a catch up it was lovely. Then it was off for sight-seeing, we decided we would go on the boat around the Orme. We had to walk down a wooden jetty which was fine until you hit the water and then it felt weird as you were standing still but underneath you was movement, I was quite relieved when the boat arrived and I have to be quite honest I could have gone around again.

It was interesting hearing all about the caves, 
smugglers and shipwrecks and such like.

When we finished our boat trip, we set off for a walk along the pier, we had thought to go up on to the Orme but we weren't sure we would have time. I bought myself a new hat which I have only worn once as I have left at my daughters. 

On to the coach for the trip back home we went past The Marble Church again,

and of course, at some point crossed the border from Wales to England, this fascinated me I know it would have only been a split second but for a moment in time half the bus was in Wales and the other half in England, and of course it was that fast you didn't even notice. It reminded me of the scripture passage: 

1 Corinthians 15:51-53 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

There is coming a time when all people who are born again, that is those who have repented of their sin, have put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and have asked Him into their lives will be taken off the earth, their bodies changed and they will be with the Lord and meet Him in the air. But the people who have not believed on Jesus will be left behind on the earth. No one knows when this is going to happen but one thing is for sure we must be ready and prepared, how? By living as God would have us to live which of course we can only find out about by reading His word, the Holy Bible and joining a fellowship of believers and listening to God's word explained by His teachers. And by careful study together. Jesus will not be waiting for anyone unlike the bus driver who waited for the late arrival if you’re not ready Jesus will have come and gone, don’t be one of those who will be left behind.

We don’t know when the Lord will come some of us will taste death before He comes, but whether we die or whether the Lord comes are you prepared.

There is a welcome in the hillsides of Wales for those who return, We'll keep a Welcome but there is a bigger welcome for people who turn to God and become His children when they get to heaven.
When we all get to heaven

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