I heard a very interesting talk on
ancestors at the Salvation Army, we were asked if there were any in our families who had been
instrumental in our coming to know the Saviour. I have to say that my mother and
father, I believe prayed for my soul and salvation every day until I came to the
Lord, there are times when we have no idea what someone is bringing before the
throne of mercy on our behalf.
Both my
parents had gone to church from being young, as had I. My mum had a life
changing experience when she was fifty, as she was walking home she heard a
voice say to her, "There is sin in your life and you can have no part of
Me", she realised that it was the Lord Jesus, and that all her years of
church going, good works, playing the organ at the church services, leading the
choir etc. were of no use to her, she had tried to walk a Christian life on the
back of her parents salvation. I found and interesting quote in an old book
called A Daily Message from Many Minds:
"Never mind who your grandfather was, who are you?
The man
who has nothing to boast about
but his good ancestors is a like a potato,
all that
is good of him is underground."
Whilst it
is a wonderful privilege to have family members who are in the Lord, and who
have taught us many spiritual truths, we are not saved just because we are
related to them. We all have to come to that place of repentance and trust only
in the finished work of the cross. Jesus died on the cross for the world, He will save anyone and everyone who is willing to listen and accept this free gift of
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave
His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have
everlasting life.
Believing in Jesus, means that we repent of our sin, we
realise our need because we cannot be righteous by our own works, or by going
to church, or by praying, or by reading the Bible, all these things are good
but they are not good enough for us to have a relationship with God, or to get us to heaven. The only way is by repenting
of sin and asking God to forgive you through His son, Jesus, who took the punishment for your sin and mine on the cross, then all these other things will happen
because there will be a desire in your heart to want to know God more, to talk
to Him on a daily basis, and to serve Him and please Him by living your life
through His Son Jesus.
All who are in Christ Jesus, are blood related, because
Jesus shed His precious blood for each and every one who would believe in Him.
There are no ancestors in God’s family, we are all God’s children, and we are
all brothers and sisters in Christ. Isn't that wonderful.
We can learn a lot from people who have gone before us, their testimonies of God’s grace are inspiring and should encourage us but they can’t save us,
only Jesus can do that because He
is alive.