Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Mind the mines

My friend Maggie lent me a DVD called Against all Odds, it's the story of a Journalist meeting people in Israel who have experienced a miracle. One of the things that happened was in the Yom Kippur war, some Israeli soldiers found themselves in a Syrian minefield, it was night and the sky was cloudy. All they could do was get down on their knees and very carefully dig around and if they found a mine disarm it. This of course would have been painstakingly slow however as they started to carefully dig around a fierce wind blew then the clouds parted and all the mines were exposed, the Israeli soldiers could now walk through the minefield in safety. There had been no wind before and there was no wind after, I was awestruck, God is an amazing, powerful and surprising God. He is also faithful to His word and He certainly has not finished with Israel, if He had then they wouldn't be back in their land that He gave them.

He hasn't finished with us as individuals either, and when we are born again, in other words repent of our sin and ask Jesus into our hearts and lives, He continues to change us from the inside, we can't do it of ourselves, many people try all sorts of things for true peace and joy but their searching is always in vain. There are self-help books but no matter how much you help yourself, no matter how much you do to make yourself feel better it is not lasting, what the world offers is fleeting and it cannot offer true peace. But God in His mercy when the devil sets out all those mines in our lives will expose them by His Holy Spirit and through His word. When we became Christians we didn't get on a cruise liner as the faith and prosperity movement would have you believe, no we got on a battleship, we are in a war.

Those mines can be anything, secret sins, arguments with a brother or sister, broken relationships, all kinds of things. The devil, the world and the flesh will try and blow up your relationship with the Lord. There are also all the false teaching and false religions, if the devil can get you to believe anything but the truth then he's happy, he just wants to cause as much devastation and destruction as he can for the child of God, for the unsaved also who is seeking. The Holy Spirit if we ask for wisdom and discernment will expose these mines, and the word of God will disarm them. The devil cannot do anything to us when we are keeping our eyes firmly fixed on the Lord Jesus and obeying His word. Of course to obey His word you need to know what it says so it is good to read and study God's word every day to see what He has to say to us.

Don't fear the devil, don't fear man, and don't fear these mines as God helped those soldiers through that minefield He will help all His children through all the problems and battles that come against them. Our God is a faithful God and we can trust Him and His word. Amazing, awesome things happen when a child of God goes on their knees and I find it amazing that God our Father is interested in the smallest detail of our lives as well as the big things. Praise His name.