Monday, 18 January 2021

Dr False Peace and Dr Good Enough

Here is a sweet oily faced quack if ever there was one and he says “peace, peace” when there is no peace folks and he says this when all the time my conscience is nagging away at me and I know there is something wrong and he is trying to soothe me with his smooth words but on the inside I know that I am in turmoil and my hungry soul needs bread, I need substance and not what he has got to offer he says “peace, peace” when there is no peace, what miserable comfort there is from this man Dr False Peace to a condemned man, another worthless physician and I am getting desperate now at this point and I don’t know what to do. It is good to keep these things in mind because I know I am personalising this but I am telling you these are the ones that are out there and this Dr False Peace he turns out to be worthless but here comes another one and he is called Dr Good Enough.
They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of My people slightingly, 
saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace. 
Jeremiah 6:14 

 He has a perfect bedside manner to try to put you at your ease, he seems almost angelic, a real smooth talker. “Dr Good Enough can you help me?” and he says “What seems to be the trouble?” “I have this terrible sin problem Dr” “Well we’ll soon have you right, don’t worry too much about it, let’s see you’ve never really done anyone any harm have you, and you’ve always paid your way and done more good than harm in your time what more could you do? Just carry on being good and nice and all will be well. “And that’s all he’s got to say folks, another useless diagnosis and another useless physician because he has missed the whole point. It may well be that I am nice so far as man is concerned, it may well be that man’s assessment is “yes indeed he’s a nice chap” man isn’t my problem folks it is God we have to deal with, my conscience tells me that there is a problem in my dealing with God not in my dealing with man. 

You see we all have faults and sometimes we see each other’s faults sometimes we may get upset with one another but for the most part we can overlook one another’s faults because we all have them but God is not like that, He is perfect, He is holy. From man’s assessment I might be doing fine but from God’s assessment not fine and apart from the Lord Jesus, without His help I stand condemned, no hope, how can I be right with Him? And I shrink back in terror in the knowledge of all this and how hopeless it all is and this man Dr Good Enough how useless he is, a worthless physician just like the rest of them and I tell him “Dr Good Enough you are just no help your diagnosis is useless” and Dr Good Enough is deeply offended folks by what I have had to say about him, he is deeply offended by my assessment of his skills but he decides at this point that he will refer me to his colleague who is known as Dr Do Better.

sermon by Pastor Philip Yendle