Dr Too Late, dreadful words from the lips of this one “you should have come earlier, you should have come when you first had the problem, you’ve left it too late.” And folks, desperate, desperate man I am with an awakened conscience “Lord God, is there no one who can help me?”
All of the physicians in the entire world are useless and worthless, vain is the help of man “Sweet, Christ Jesus to you I come, will your blood avail for me Lord Jesus? And I find then the Great Physician, hallelujah, “Will Your blood avail for me, all the worthless physicians have failed me.”
You will keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You,
and all the comfort of heaven comes to my soul in a still small voice that’s says to me.

And what the worthless physicians couldn’t do the Great Physician does it, He alone, only Him, rest, peace, inner peace, this priceless thing called peace given to us by the Great Physician. What an interesting question to consider when you are talking to some troubled soul to see if you can ascertain “Who’s your Dr?” you may not have to put it like that, you may not have to ask that question just listen to what they have to say and you will find out who the Dr is, and I tell you if it is any Dr other than the Great Physician then he is a worthless physician and he’ll do no good and we just need to be reminded of these things folks. And what about you, having come to the Great Physician don’t let us be deflected and start trusting in something else or someone else, trust Him. You can seek help from all sorts of sources there is no problem in that but the one to trust is the Lord Jesus, He’s the only one, He will never let you down ever, let us be ready to recommend the Great Physician to others. Let us be ready to assess ourselves and keep guard of ourselves that we will always turn to Him whatever the circumstances.
Where it says there, you will keep him in perfect peace, the translators have said perfect peace because if they translated it literally it doesn’t appear to make a lot of sense in our English because what it would actually say is, you will keep him in peace peace, the Hebrew is, shalom shalom, the Hebrew word shalom for peace means an entire well being and God will keep us not just in shalom which would be wonderful but he keeps us in shalom shalom, there is an intensity about it, praise the Lord that sounds wonderful to me, so he is talking there about an absolute fullness of wellbeing and it comes only from the Great Physician. Only from being in a right relationship with God which is only possible through the Lord Jesus Christ, and what He has done for us on the cross at Calvary, there is no other way, we are trusting in Him. But notice as well that this peace, this shalom shalom involves both the mind and the heart, the head and the heart you can’t leave the one out you have to have them both. Whose mind is stayed on You, what’s he talking about there? He’s talking about the thoughts, it might be the imagination, don’t let your imagination run off on some kind of weird trip, think about the Lord, think about the One whose arm is not shortened to save. Whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You, so the mind, the thought processes stayed on Him and the trust is a heart condition, can you see that? The mind and the heart they are both together and the result is peace peace, shalom shalom.
Trust in the LORD forever,
For in Yah, the LORD,
is everlasting strength.
Yah that’s an interesting name for God, and it’s talking there about Jehovah God, in the special sense of having become our salvation, it is He who was, and is and is to come, the All Becoming One, it’s talking about Him, Yah. Everlasting strength literally means, Rock of Ages, let us be encouraged, there is no other physician anywhere, any place at any time who could do this for us only this one, only this Great Physician and let us be ready always to recognise as we talk to people. So easily it comes out of their mouth,
For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks,
you have only got to be around people for such a short time, and you realise what is in their hearts, and you recognise the worthless physicians, probably you can categorise them, you can find out who it is. Let’s be ready always to share with them the Great Physician. Who He is, what He has done for us, what He can do for them, and how He and He alone can impart perfect peace, peace with God and the peace of God, peace to your soul in the midst of the turmoil of a fallen world, shalom shalom I don’t know of anything folks more priceless, praise the name of Jesus, blessed be the name of the Lord, amen.
Pastor Philip Yendle