He was tired of arguing but then he realised that in fact it was him who argued she didn't argue really but just spoke very calmly and firmly about her believes when he brought it up. It had all started the previous year when she had been invited to the nativity and she just kept going to church then something changed she came home one day and said she had asked for God's forgiveness and for Jesus to come into her life. Thinking about it now he had humoured her at first but after awhile he just couldn't accept the things she was saying it all sounded to far fetched but the rub was that there was something about her these days, she had a inner peace and a joy that he had never had.
Of course it was all nonsense no way was he going to believe that God if there was a God had come to earth as a baby, ridiculous. His thoughts were taking him all over the place when he heard a strange thud, and then another, and another he decided to investigate, he put on his boots and coat and went outside he could hardly believe his eyes geese were dropping like flies out of the sky because of the snow storm, he needed to get them somewhere warm and dry until it blew over, the barn would be the best place and so he set to trying to round them up, goodness me what a terrible racket they would not go in the barn, he decided to fetch the dog, that didn't work it only made matters worse what on earth was a matter with these geese he only wanted to get them somewhere safe, if only he could make them see that they were in danger out here, but then he realised that they didn't trust him he wasn't one of them the only way he could ever get them safe was to become a goose himself.
There and then in the middle of the storm the farmer fell to his knees in the snow surrounded by geese and asked for forgiveness for his sins and asked Jesus to come into his life and then he knew that peace and joy that his wife had. When he looked up the geese had gone, God can and does speak to us in all kinds of ways and how He rejoices when we respond.
Is He talking to you now while you are reading this story? Christmas is all about God sending His Son Jesus to earth as a baby, He became like us in every way except He never sinned in order that we could be saved.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Will you respond?