Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Changed beyond recognition

I thoroughly enjoy photography, I used to take my camera everywhere I went but I can't manage that now. Occasionally when I am feeling well I will go somewhere with my camera and take a few pics. I must admit I can never do nature justice, no matter how good the photo is. I don’t think anyone can. I also like changing my photos, I used to edit them in photoshop years ago but can’t seem to manage that these days either, but the internet has a host of sights that will do it for you. There are a two or three that are my favourites, Picmonkey,, and Artbot to name but a few, there are many, many more.

They alter the picture in all kinds of different ways, all of which are in the main very pleasing to the eye. Having changed them I can use them on line for birthday greetings, or I put scripture on and share them on the social media all with the hope that they will encourage and uplift the reader.

There are times I alter a photo until it looks nothing like the original picture, it may still be pleasing to the eye but the person looking at it wouldn’t have a clue what it was unless I told them. We can be a bit like this trying in our own way to alter our lives in the hopes that people won’t see the real us. When I take a photo I know what the original looks like, and no matter how much of a show we might put on for others we all know what we are like inside. But we don't know ourselves as well as our Maker does; only God knows the true extent of what we are capable of, Jesus said:

Matthew 15:9 
For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:

The Psalmist said:
Psalm 44:21
If we had forgotten the name of our God
Or stretched out our hands to a strange god,
Would not God discover this?
For He knows the secrets of the heart.

Many there are who are charmed by the false impression of Christianity today, God is love, God loves everyone, accept Jesus, Jesus loves you, you are a child of God, everybody is going to heaven, ask Jesus into your heart, and many more such things that never ever address man's heart sickness, which is sin. They do not confront the sinner with his sin which is the reason why Christ Jesus came, to take the punishment for man’s sin.

Many will not be truthful with regard to the consequence of sin either, we all know that if we break the law of our land we have to stand before a judge and when found guilty we will be punished. Why then do we think that God won't punish us for breaking His laws. Heaven is real and it is where all the righteous will go, hell is real and it is where all the unrighteous go. Do you believe you are righteous and if so what is the basis for that belief?

If you truly want to know the truth go to the original, God's Word and not man's but beware of modern versions that change the original meaning or leave out words and sentences. Don't heed the dressed up version that paints a lovely picture, that tickles the ears of men, and that paints a rosy glow as if you can have heaven without hell, the gospel without Calvary, salvation without repentance. Or of those who say you need an extra book, ie Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormonism, 7th Day Adventists, etc. Or those who say you have to work for your salvation by paying a penance, or chanting repetitive prayers, or confessing to a priest (none of these things are taught in God's Word.

Forgiveness for your sin is not earned neither do we deserve it, it has a huge cost which was paid for by Jesus Christ at Calvary. Study the Holy Bible for the truth, and not what man has written about it. Have you been charmed by all the little extras that man adds on, by people’s testimonies and stories, have you been charmed with the idea of salvation without repentance, a bloodless sacrifice, heaven without hell? Don’t be charmed be changed, study God’s Word, and seek His grace and mercy. Acknowledge that you are a sinner, repent of your sin and put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. May God by His Holy Spirit bring you to that place of repentance, and may you know His forgiveness, His peace, His love, His joy, forever.  

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