Sunday, 20 August 2017

Be a Voice

Our pastor has been teaching from John 1 for the past few weeks, one week we were looking at John the Baptist in the wilderness. The one who would come before Jesus, who would baptize people in water unto repentance. He was warning people, he was telling them to repent, and he was telling them that the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world had come. He pointed people to Jesus, who was and still is, the only way to the Father.

Each one of us who knows the Lord Jesus as our Saviour, should be a voice, warning people of the return of Jesus, not this time as the Saviour, but as King and Judge. We should warn of the judgement to come, that no man can escape from, aside from the cross. John the Baptist knew how urgent it was to warn people, even so in these days the urgency is more so. For those who repent and believe there is eternal life, for those who refuse the offer of grace they must face judgement.

We are so much at ease here in the West, we take everything for granted, even our salvation. But we are to tell it out, warn people. If you saw someone walking toward a bog, you wouldn't just say nothing because that was their choice, you would use your voice and warn them of the danger, you wouldn't watch them drown. Christian, why then are we standing by watching people head toward hell?

Jude 23

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