Friday 19 December 2014

Listening to the Owls song

This year was my fourth year at Willersley Castle, three years for Turkey and Tinsel and the second year I went for Christmas, (I said I wouldn't do that again as I came home expecting another Christmas :) ) I arrived on Sunday to my favourite room which has a wonderful view

and as dusk fell there was that wonderful sound again, the owls hooting in the distance, it really is a wonderful sound I find it so soothing and most evening I left my window open so that I could hear them, I do love owls but it is very rare that I would ever be able to see one so I was delighted when on the last day of my holiday I went into Matlock and someone had a display of owls and falcons at the Victorian Christmas Weekend

But I'm getting ahead of myself, Monday the people arrived who come by coach and it was lovely to see familiar faces and catch up. There were new faces too and Ann and I soon became acquainted and spent sometime together on walks. Willersley isn't too far from Matlock and you can get the key from the reception and take a wonderful walk through the grounds and by the river and come out at the gate at Matlock Bath which is what we did before continuing on the Matlock and a hunt round their wonderful charity shops. We both found a few bargains and so we got the bus back as our feet and bodies were rather tired and weary. A wonderful dinner awaited us and we were soon refreshed and ready for the evening activities, making Christmas decorations, I made a sun-burnt penguin, there wasn't a black and so I coloured it red and a couple of baubles too, it was a lovely relaxing evening. 

Tuesday was our Christmas eve and we spent the day on a lovely trip. The weather was lovely, the sun was shining and it was quite warm for the time of year. I for one was quite disappointed that I didn't get my longed for snow, never mind there's always next year! We called first at Carsington Water and had a lovely walk through part of the grounds,

After this we went on to Ashborne Methodist church for homemade soup and roll, it was delicious, I had tomato and basil, and then there were lovely homemade puddings, I had homemade blackberry and apple crumble. Someone had worked very hard for us and they made us feel very welcome, the
church building too inside and out was very impressive.

We went on then to a garden centre which had all kinds of beautiful decorations, and gifts, it was wonderfully decorated as you came in.

A couple of hours later and I'm sure for some of us a few pounds lighter in our purses we came out to a glorious sunset.

After our evening meal we had a carol service  remembering the reason for Christmas and why it is a joy for all Christians and therefore a celebration of God's love and grace to us. The last carol being sung in the "well".

More to follow.......

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